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Monthly Archives: October 2010

We overheard:

Sandeep Raj actually claiming he had work.
We are cracking up over this one.

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We overheard:

During the open quiz conducted by an eminent quizmaster, our very own Jitesh Khanna was called a Home Boy by the QM. But thats not all. The QM went on to confirm that he had meant “HomE Boy” only and not some other similar sounding name.
Sometimes we don’t need to draw conclusions, the incidents do it for us.

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We overheard:

One of the finalists of Numero Uno snatched a bouquet of flowers from one of the eminent judges and handed it over to Ayesha Jaggi for being the most beautiful girl in the auditorium.
Considering he had only 15 seconds to take the decision, we can come to one of the two conclusions. Either he is extremely fast at decision making or he had already decided even before this opportunity presented itself. Take your pick.

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We overheard:

Rohit Jaiswal, in his speech at a prize distribution ceremony referred to ‘X’ as his darling. This ‘X’ was not a person but only an event he had organised.
Considering that the event is over and he still looks satisfied, we think it takes very little to keep Jais happy.

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We overheard:

The comment board put up for IIMB’s business fest clearly reads “Ishira- Leave PK alone”.
What we are still unsure about is whether it was a warning to or by Ishira Bhattacharya to leave Aditya P Kulkarni alone, but knowing her track record either are possibilities.

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We overheard:

Robin John has invented a new style of partner dance which involves brandishing a broom in one hand while holding you partner (in this case Sandeep Raj) close with the other while prancing around a large square area demarcated with white paint. We even have pictures from our secret sources to prove the existence of this intimate dance form.
Based on review of eye witnesses, we can strongly claim that that is one dance form we would like to give a miss.

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We overheard:

Robin John to Sameer Thombare, who was bending over while painting the floor: “Turn around, turn around” till Sam’s back was towards Robin “Hold it. Thats a good pose.”
We believe that would have been some photographic angle.

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We overheard:

On the walkie talkie channel 1, Aditya P. Kulkarni asking a certain PGP2 at the hospi desk for some unmentionable articles of clothing.
We wonder if hospitality desk has started a parallel business or if it is just her and him.

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We overheard:

In the networking dinner hosted by IIMB’s richest club, even as all other IIMB members laughed and joked around with each other, Aditya Mukherjee stood in the corner for most of the period, chatting with a female journalist who has come down to the campus to cover IIMB’s business fest.
First the Student Media Cell and now even the external media; we believe Mukherjee had more than a mere passing academic interest in media.

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We overheard:

When asked for the keys to the store room, Sameer Thombare asked up a poor volunteer and asked him to look for the keys in his pocket- “his back pockets, his front pockets”; even “his yesterday’s pant pockets” and “the day before that’s pant pockets”. The keys were of course later discovered in Sam’s own pockets.
This time we are convinced that Sam needs a break.

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